Frequently Asked Questions

Are you affiliated with Spin Master/Sega Toys/Takara Tomy/the Bakugan Franchise?

No. This site is run completely independently from any brand, company, or corporation. It is merely a passionate fan project meant to document Bakugan releases in an easily digestible manner. I encourage you to support the series and purchase the official products.

I discovered a Bakugan that is not on the site! You are a sham!

I do not claim to have discovered every single documented Bakugan on this website, however it is a goal that I eventually do. Concerning the Generation 3 reboot, as releases are currently ongoing, it is only natural that there will be new waves in the future, and that these new waves may not be posted immediately until accurate information is confirmed. In regards to Generation 1, new Bakugan are being documented or sold around the world every day, often unknowingly, and Spin Master/Sega Toys did not keep 100% accurate records of the initial run. This, in combination with fakes and recasts has made complete documentation a challenging process. It is guaranteed that some will have slipped through the cracks and that is where you come in. Please look under the Contact link, or scroll down to my various social media in order to contact me and submit your findings so that we may document this for the sake of the community. Full credit will be given!

Is this a Bakucolle ripoff? What about the Bakugan Wiki? What makes BakuganDB unique?

Yukimo's collection, compiled on was and still is a wonderful resource for collectors. However, we run into the limitation that Yukimo has chosen to specifically document his own collection, rather than every single release. If he does not own it, or intend to own it, it will not go on that site. A sizeable portion of images hosted on this site are sourced directly from Bakucolle, as they are the easiest source of high quality images that are otherwise difficult to track down. Credit for every single image on this site is given where appropriate.

Concerning the Bakugan Wiki, I found it to be a wonderful resource, although legacy Bakugan in particular are not as quickly updated, and are even sometimes inaccurate which can create headaches for any would-be collectors. Many pages additionally have images that have broken links as well. Due to Bakugan Wiki shifting most of its focus to Generation 3, even less attention will be paid to Generations 1 and 2 going forward. 

BakuganDB does NOT aim to be a replacement for either website, nor does it seek to be competition. BakuganDB is its own niche and serves as a compliment to Bakucolle and Bakugan Wiki. 

We are a community, and we should act like one!

There is a Bakugan that has been listed that I consider fake. Please remove it.

Contact me via the Contact form or via my linked social media to get in touch with me in order to explain your case. Do understand that the burden of proof is on you to prove to me and the community at large that the Bakugan is a falsification. Sometimes, I will list a fake Bakugan that has garnered enough attention to be worth describing.

I have an even better image for a Bakugan than the one provided on this site. Can I have it replaced?

Absolutely! Contact me via the Contact form or via my linked social media to get in touch with me and I will decide if we should use the new image or not. Submissions are always appreciated, especially for closed-ball images, rarer releases, or cropped images that feature multiple Bakugan in the background. 

Where can I purchase these Bakugan?

For Generation 2 and 3 Bakugan, depending on where you live, you will be able to find them in retail stores or purchase them online. For Generation 1 Bakugan, there are a wealth of websites, sources, and collectors to choose from and the burden is on you in order to figure them out. I recommend you start with eBay. The images posted here are sourced directly from collectors, online sellers, collector archives, or via the Bakugan Wiki, and therefore it is unlikely any image hosted here will be for sale when you see it. BakuganDB is an image repository, not a storefront.

Will you include G-Powers for each Generation 1 Bakugan in the future?

Unfortunately not. Between the lack of complete information, and the ease of being able to create and stamp custom G-Power values, this will be a near impossible task that is frankly not worth the effort. Added to this is the fact that I have little ways to deduce when the information for each mold is complete, and particularly good fakes may provide false information. If you wish to hunt G-Power variants on your own, good luck in your endeavors.